
Often times I find myself scanning hundreds of images.  I then usually get the idea of scanning myself.  I think it was all the office jobs I once had and laugh at the nonsense I would do with a photocopier.  I made an installation about waste and covered a good portion of room with photocopies of myself.  I posted them all over Long Beach and Albuquerque (and everywhere in between). Many years ago, I made a short film/music video.  With all scanned images.   Its called the Forbidden Door.  Its terrible.  🙂 I couldn’t get people to record voices so I dubbed the loud noises of the Thundersluts over it.   I warned you. Today.  I have been scanning images of what may or may not be a new small project.  But nothing like the Forbidden Door.  We’re going back to making a web comic.
scanning my face
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scanning my face

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